Looking for a quick and easy Text/Voice/Video messaging app?
Timed message allows you to send and receive Text/Voice/Video messages, it will definitely save you a lot of time!
Enter your country code and Phone number without country code and press Lets Go!
Navigate between your inbox, outbox, create a new message, or view world time.
Create your new text/voice/video message, choose country & sending time. Press Play for playback. Press send and your done!
Choose in how many minutes / hours / days your message will be delivered. Notice that 0 means instant delivery!
Your inbox has your received timed messages and includes all the necessary details. The left type icon marks Text/Voice/Video, new ones will have a little green dot. Press View/Play/Stop or edit your messages.
View your outbox and manage your future messages.
Check out time differences and world time to make sure your message delivers at the right timing…
At the info screen you can share the app with Family & Friends, get more apps and un-hide the app tutorial.
Timed message-Simpler and easier way to communicate!